Safeguarding children and young people is, at its core, a human right. It gives children and young people a voice and a say, it enables them to speak up with confidence and support.
It also provides our Y people with the skills and training to be able to support all young people in finding their voice and their place in the world.
The Y Canberra Region has a commitment to safeguarding children and vulnerable people first and foremost in all of our programs and activities. We have extensive Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy and Procedures which help us to continually embed a safe culture.
“The Y Canberra Region’s vision is a better world, with and for young people. The Board of Directors take responsibility for ensuring the leadership and culture of the organisation are aligned to this vision, and that this commitment is visible to our staff, our volunteers and the wider community.
Safeguarding children and young people is fundamental to our governance practices and decision making. We provide safe places and set the standard for safeguarding practices and capacity building in our Y and in our community.
The Board of Directors together with management are fully committed to safeguarding children and young people, our focus being support and empowerment of all Y People to provide safe, enjoyable and inclusive environments at our facilities and in our programs.
Our commitment to keeping children and young people safe is demonstrated by ensuring the Board, our Y People and volunteers are provided with high levels of training and support to help prevent child abuse and identify risks early. We have zero tolerance for child abuse, with all allegations and safety concerns treated seriously and consistently following our policies and procedures. We have both a legal and moral obligation to contact authorities when we have concerns about a child or young person.
Safeguarding children and young people is embedded in our Global Mission and our Strategy 2030 with the Board, staff and volunteers collectively taking responsibility ‘to empower children, young people and communities throughout the Canberra Region to build a just, sustainable, equitable and inclusive world, where every person can thrive in body, mind and spirit’. Our safeguarding culture is at the forefront of everything we do. We are listening to children and young people and amplifying their voices.
We are proud of the work of the Y Safeguarding Team in developing the Y Canberra Region’s Safeguarding Action Plan 2022-2023 and fully support the implementation of the Y Australia’s collective National Safeguarding strategic pillars in conjunction with appointed Board Member, Jenny McCombe as the Safeguarding Sponsor.”
Programs and services advocate for children and young people to air their concerns with our services, and to be confident in offering feedback; which is another important aspect of creating a culture where children and young people’s wellbeing is safeguarded.
All Y Canberra Region personnel complete appropriate safeguarding children and vulnerable people training and understand their responsibilities to act in the best interests of these people. If you would like further information around the Y Canberra Region’s Safeguarding please contact our Safeguarding and Quality Senior Manager on 02 6242 4040.
If you or your family are in need of support, please click HERE to view a list of agencies and helpline numbers.
If you would like to make a report in regards to the safeguarding of children and young people this can be done by:
1. Speaking to our staff in person
2. Contacting our Safeguarding Manager on 6242 4040 or
3. Writing to our Safeguarding Manager at Level 1/25 Geils Court, Deakin ACT 2600.
4. You can submit an anonymous report or feedback, here
If you or your family are in need of support, please view a list of agency and helpline numbershere.