Y Canberra is continuing to monitor the situation and is following ACT Health for notifications and procedures. Below is the current information shared by Australian Government Department of Health (31 January 2020):

To date, all the information from around the world has suggested that confirmed cases of novel coronavirus could only spread the infection while they have symptoms.

There is now emerging information that some people may be infectious for a short period before they develop symptoms, or when they have very minimal symptoms.

For this reason, and in line with national health advice, we are taking a highly precautionary approach and making the following recommendations:

  1. People who have been in contact with any confirmed novel coronavirus cases must be isolated in their home for 14 days following exposure; and
  2. Returned travellers who have been in Hubei Province of China must be isolated in their home for 14 days after leaving Hubei Province, other than for seeking individual medical care.

Given the lower number of cases in mainland China reported outside of Hubei Province, we do not currently recommend self-isolation for travellers from other parts of mainland China or other countries.

The Australian government is closely monitoring the situation and this advice will be updated, as necessary.

In addition to following the above advice, Y Canberra is:

Y Canberra will provide updates as needed to our families, participants and community via Storypark and our Website.

Please speak with your Director, Coordinator or Site Manager if you have any questions or concerns.

Kind Regards

Director/ Coordinator/ Site Manager


Download the Y Canberra Child Health and Wellbeing Policy here